Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Kids Section: Great Books for Kids

Dirt Boy by Erik Jon Slangerup.  A boy named Fister Farnello is always getting dirty.  To avoid having to take a bath he runs away and makes friends with Dirt Man, a very dirty giant.  Fister gets so dirty that he has mice and birds living in his hair, mushrooms growing between his toes, and moss growing in his bellybutton.  After days of frolicking in the dirt with Dirt Man, and even the birds and mice are complaining of the smell coming off of Fister, he decides he'd better go home.  At first his mother doesn't recognize him, and thinking him a monster, sprays him with the hose.  Thats when she realizes the monster is her long lost son and takes him straight to the bathtub. "It took twenty-three bars of soap, sixteen bottles of shampoo, one hundred and seventy-nine gallons of bathwater, forty-four million bubbles, and eleven tubes of toothpaste to finally get Fister Farnello clean."  And so the moral of the story is that it is ok to be clean.  This book is primarily written for children in grades k-3.  Heck, who'm I kidding?  I loved it! 

Other Books my kids have loved:

Where the Wild Things Are, A little boy in a wolf suit causes some mischief and is sent to his room without supper and he imagines that his room grows vines and turns into a forest where he meets some Wild Things.

Miss Spiders Tea Party, A lonely spider who eats only flowers makes friends with bugs.

Mama Do You Love Me, A little Inuit girl conjures up all kinds of reasons why her mother might not love her, but of course her mother still loves her even when shes angry or upset. 


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