Saturday, December 6, 2003

Books by Larry McMurtry

Lonesome Dove:  Action packed, awesome page turner.  This book has Texas Rangers, Indians, Gunfighters, Saloons, a cattle drive from Texas to Montana, hangings, love, you name it!  I couldn't put it down!

Streets of Laredo: The sequel to Lonesome Dove in which an Ex-Texas Ranger is hired by the railroad to track down a Mexican train robber.  If you've read Lonesome Dove then this is a must to finish off the story. 

Zeke and Ned: A tale of two Cherokee warriors after being settled in the Indian Territory.  Zeke is a married man who has an affair with a white woman and ends up shooting her while taking aim at her husband.  He is tried in court which turns into a crazy gunfight and Zeke escapes into the woods.  Ned is a young Cherokee warrior who marries Zeke's young daughter and tries to help his friend hide from the law.  This book takes you into the life and times of the Cherokee Indians in the old West. 

Sin Killer; the First book in the Berrybender Narratives:  A family English royalty sets out to travel on a boat up the Missisippi from south to north to hunt and explore.  Many tragedies befall them on their journey including Indian attacks, losing members of their party, the children running away, and getting stuck in ice during winter when the river freezes.  Sin Killer is a fierce woodsmen who helps them on their journey and marries one of the Berrybender daughters.  Very good book.

The Wandering Hill; the second book in the Berrybender Narratives:  also very good!  There is a 3rd book I haven't read yet: By Sorrow's River

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